Wednesday, May 30, 2012

My Test Results

these all what test says about me:

Result point: 45
41 TO 50 POINTS 
Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, practical and always interesting; someone who's constantly in the center of attention, but sufficiently well-balanced not to let it go to their head. They also see you as kind, considerate, and understanding; someone who'll? always cheer them up and help them out.

Tes Kepribadian iPersonic @

Result says: 
Your iPersonic Type: The Social Realist

Social Realists like you are popular persons full of energy. You are reliable, well organized and helpful. Traditional values are important to you. Founding a family also plays a central role in your life. Social Realists have a marked social streak. You are always ready to listen to the worries and problems of others and spare no effort when you are asked for help. With empathy and understanding, you can sense what other people need. You are always willing to highly regard the strong points of the other person and to excuse that person’s weaknesses. You are the most sociable of all personality types. Social contacts are very important to you. Social Realists find it very difficult to cope with conflicts and criticism - harmony is your elixir of life. Acknowledgement and esteem are very important to you. Differentiation on the other hand is not necessarily one of your strong points. At work and in partnerships, you are loyal, committed and always there when needed. You find it easy to make friends due to your open, warm manner and you have a large circle of friends. Social Realists are more conservative types. You have a set system of values and rules. You prefer clear, structured surroundings and work processes; you find too much change und unrest unpleasant. Your strong points are carefulness and reliability and not so much flexibility and spontaneity. Social Realists are open-minded towards anything new only to a limited extent. But, should one be looking for someone to fulfil a task reliably and exactly, you are the right person. The Social Realist is the most social among all personality types. For you, it is essential to choose a profession where you can deal with as many people as possible. You recharge your batteries with the help of people contact and the personal exchanges needed for your very special talents to unfold. You are the prototype of the caring person in the positive sense, because you love to act on behalf of others and care for them. If you have the impression that there is a way to contribute by improving the quality of their life, it satisfies you more than anything. For your type, the feeling to be needed, loved, and appreciated is more than vitally necessary. Therefore, working in seclusion is not for you. It is just too much counter to your extroverted nature, and your need for interpersonal interaction.You have the best ideas during dialogues with others, as they stimulate your creativity. Instead of developing abstract aid projects with the help of a drawing board, you prefer to engage yourself on the frontlines with person to person contact. For you, it is important to see the results of your work so you can go home feeling that you (again) made the world a better place - at least a bit.  You are a born team player. You are open and communicative, easily integrating yourself into group hierarchies. For your personality type, harmony is the keyword in your personal, as well as in your professional life. Since conflicts and power struggles seriously stress you making it difficult for you to attend to your tasks, you should put your emphasis on working in a stress free, respectful, and affectionate environment. Working environments continuously affected by tough infighting, and where competitive conflicts are intense represent too great a strain.

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